Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If I was Oprah Rich: Round IV

If I was Oprah rich... I would have a killer pool in my backyard.

Think Playboy mansion style...

With a couple of these bad boys...

Please note that I do not want the Playboy mansion pool. There is no amount of pool cleaner/chlorine/bleach that can wash away all the nasties floating in those waters and covering those surfaces. Ideally I would like to be able to do the breast-stroke across my pool without contracting syphilis or getting a pube in my eye, and I'm afraid that isn't possible in Hugh Hefner's giant sex bath.

1 comment:

  1. wow, the pool with the the grotto/cave thing, 3 words for you: Fan~ Tas~ Tic. I want it. Maybe I can build a cave structure over my existing pool ( that looks like something you pick up at Goodwill now that I have seen these bad boys) and then light it up with torches at night! Awesome, now I need to win the lotto.....
