Saturday, October 9, 2010

Friday night madness

B and I kicked off our Friday night with a big bang: dinner with my grandparents. I know. Intense right? Sometimes we are so wild it's almost unbearable... But anyway, we traveled up north this evening and enjoyed a decent yet overpriced meal with my all-time favorite elderly folks. Once dinner ended we immediately parted ways with my grandparents because they claimed they were 'tired and ready for bed' (read: sick of me). B and I weren't quite ready to head home yet though, so we decided to venture into a nearby mall and partake in some impromptu shopping. (Just for future reference, never go shopping after eating a heavy meal. A bloated gut + dressing room mirrors is never a good combination.)

To make a long story short, I ended up leaving the mall with a bunch of killer deals. I scored a a top for $3.50, two t-shirts for $5.00 each, and a dress for $6.50, bringing everything to a grand total of $20.33- tax included. As Wayne and Garth would say, "SCHWING!"

From then on I have pretty much felt like this:

A freakin' champ, baby.

Unfortunately this ultra-successful shopping trip has only provoked me to go shopping for more deals, something I probably shouldn't be doing considering the fact that I still have fall textbooks to buy.

I’m hoping that my wallet has enough smarts to escape my purse tonight while I’m sleeping and run and hide somewhere far out of my reach. If not then, well, I’m going to blame all irresponsible and frivolous shopping tomorrow on my unintelligent wallet.

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