Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kinda a big deal

Today is a very special day. It is September 30th, 2010 and some serious history makin' is about to go down.

Tonight my better half and his band, Basic Radio, will be performing at El Corazon in Seattle. This is not just any show though. Oh, no. Tonight is their showcase for Tooth and Nail Records, a major record label that has signed many widely known bands such as MxPx, Underoath, and Anberlin. If all goes well, as I have faith it will, Basic Radio will sign a deal with the label, something they have all worked so relentlessly to achieve.

There is the address of where I'll be tonight. Now is the perfect time to stalk me!

B alone has been playing in bands since he was twelve; however, his love of music and instruments began even earlier than that. He loves music with all he's got. He loves it so much that if it were actually legal to marry a guitar in the state of Washington, he would probably wed his walnut Rickenbacker 650. Unluckily for him yet luckily for me, that is not possible. Instead he is forever stuck with me, though I am a gracious enough partner to tolerate him having a modest affair with said guitar. She is the only mistress I will ever allow. Ever.

Him and the 'other woman'

Since music has always been an obsession of his, he's never had the 'all or nothing' mentality. Like, "If I don't get signed by age XX, I'm putting my guitar away and moving on." Such a thought would never cross his mind because to him life without music is unfathomable. Even if this doesn't work out he will still play music and perform infront of crowds- just to a lesser degree. Heck, I can guarantee you that forty years from now I will still be coming home to him sitting in the living room strumming on the guitar. It's how it is and how it will always be.

Nevertheless, it would be amazing if he were granted the opportunity to travel the world and share his music with an endless crowd of people. And to be able to make a living off of doing that as well? That would be the icing on the cake.

I will have my fingers crossed tonight, secretly wishing that everything plays out perfectly. Even if it doesn't though, B will always remain my favorite rockstar.

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