Monday, September 13, 2010

Don't read this if you are heartless

Today I posted the following emotional babble on my Facebook:

“Having a boyfriend & a best friend all wrapped up in one single package is both convenient & comforting. It's beyond luck when they are just as (if not more) strange as yourself, too. In other words, I'm so freakin' relieved/thankful I found B.”
At first I was hesitant to post such a sappy status update. Professing such mushiness is typically out of character for a girl like myself. I’d much rather post about the awkward situation I have found myself in or about my incessant infatuation with all things pumpkin. Still, as I explained to a friend who commented on the above status update, “some things are worth risking the chance of being seen as a cornball, like having a saint for a boyfriend though I'm often far from a saint myself.”

B and I have had our fair share of ups and downs. This is to be expected considering both he and I have short fuses and can be exceedingly stubborn. We will butt heads about something as simple as whether ‘either’ is pronounced ee-ther or eye-ther. Of course there are more serious battles as well, but so far there has been nothing that cannot be slept off or hugged out. I truly don’t imagine there will be anything beyond that either. We are crazy people (literally) that are equally as crazy in love.

So what brought all this lovey-dovey stuff up? Well, B and I have had a rough past week or so. Not simply because of our own issues and annoyances with one another, but because of certain outside forces. Problems within relationships are not always ‘partner vs. partner’; sometimes certain things or people outside of your relationship will challenge the happiness of you and your other half. I personally struggle with this since I strongly believe that B and I’s relationship should remain just that- our relationship. So, when outside forces attempt to intrude or scrutinize my life and relationship with B, I become threatened, offended, and a tad fiery. I’m all like, “This is my turf, yo. Back off.” Sort of.

B, however, does not struggle with this. For the most part he always remains calm, cool and collected no matter of what is being said or done by others. As you would expect, this causes me to interrogate him with questions like, “Why doesn’t this upset you?!” or “Why aren’t you as extremely offended by this like I am?!” You would think such harassment would at least provoke a little bit of stress or anger in him but it never does. Instead I am met with a tranquil expression and a response somewhere along the lines of, “... because I love you and always will and nothing and no one will ever change that.” In other words, the thoughts, opinions, and actions of others are essentially irrelevant to him and his notion of *us*. This is obviously something that I need to learn myself.

Though his goodness is always apparent, I am intensely reminded of B’s saintliness during our tough and trying times (i.e. this past week). I have once again come to realize how incredibly lucky I am to have someone who loves and supports me to the exclusion of anything or anyone else. And I am thankful for that.

So thankful, in fact, that I want to scream it from the rooftop... or simply post it on online for all of my fellow Facebook friends to see.

Oh, and for the record, I pronounce ‘either’ the correct way: ee-ther. B, on the other hand, is still coming to grips with its proper pronunciation.

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